Well today marks one week in our new home. (That doesn't mean we have actually cleaned and closed up the apartment yet.)
So what has home ownership taught us so far...
-I am not a fan of piles of boxes and total chaos. Surprise, surprise... I'm neurotic and want everything done now, even though it is completely impossible. After a spill my guts moment on Tuesday night, I feel much better about the entire situation.
-Rich and I are still cheapos at heart. Spending money for the house and the things we need is insane for us, even though we have been saving and budgeting toward this for the past year.
-Washer & Dryer
-Garage Door Service
-Dining Room Table
-Tree service
-It is Spring in Reno. It has snowed twice this week and had near 80 degree weather.
Some sort of flowering pear tree in our backyard. |
-Our neighborhood has a lot of birds and you can hear them from everywhere.
-Window coverings are not to be taken for granted. (The house has none, the shop has blinds.)
My white trash solution... push pins and some left over mosquito net sheers that we used at the wedding. It is getting the job done for now :). (Another fun fact- all of our windows are wide like this. I have curtain rods galore, just none long enough for these bad boys.) |
-Bathroom vent fans are not to be taken for granted.
What is this? This is a close up of the droplets on our ceiling in our master bath after taking a shower (that is when we have hot water). Even with the window open and the door open that room is just too small for that much steam not to condense. Adding a bathroom fan is itching to be at the top of our list. |
-Place holders are a good thing. It seems all of our possessions have now become place holders, as nothing we own is quite right for the space.
Overhead lights are not to be taken for granted. (None in the living room or master bedroom.) |
-Measure twice doesn't necessarily work when you don't account for doors, either of them.
Our spiffy washer and dryer are yet to be hooked up. We were clever and took the bi fold doors off to get the washer and dryer in the hall closet. Yesterday I discovered, if the bi folds are on, you can't open the doors for the appliances... We are hoping they are ridiculously quiet when running. |
-Home warranties are a good thing. This weekend we will be calling for a plumber to address a hot water heater that won't stay hot, a leak in the crawl space and a repair on our garbage disposal (that is if YouTube and I can't get it grinding as needed.)
Our hot water heater is built into the wall in the guest bedroom. The little red reset button has been getting a work out from us. We both have had some showers on the chilly side as we race to get shampoo out of our hair and rinsed down before we freeze. |
I know you want pictures of the yard. Well, I'm getting to that. Tonight was the first night I didn't do anything house related. I caught up on emails and blogs and TV shows Rich has no interest in. (While Rich is at the Elk's club, in tie and jacket, attending our friend Lynn's initiation into the Elks, as her sponsor.)
-Much Love, Shanna